
17 Janvārī, Piektdiena
Filmas angliski

Winx Club : Season 1

Filmas angliski » Animation

Palielināt Samazināt

  • Winx Club : Season 1

Bloom was an ordinary girl living on Earth until she encountered a girl fighting a yellow ogre, Knut. The girl, Stella, turned out to be the princess of the planet Solaria and a fairy. Stella believed that Bloom had magical powers within her, because during the fight with the ogre, Bloom uncontrollably unleashed a blast of light. Stella took Bloom with her to Magix, in the Magical Dimension, where they enrolled in Alfea, a school for fairies. At first, Bloom was enrolled as a princess who was not coming to Alfea because Bloom was not on the admittance list. After Stella accidentally tells their friends that Bloom is actually from Earth, Alfea's Headmistress, Ms. Faragonda, allow her to stay because she is still a fairy and wishes to learn about magic.


Filma skatīta : XXX reizes

Birkas : magic, Fighting, Girl, Princess, Wishes, Earth, Planet, School, Magical

(6 Balsis)
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